What is the Optimise Study about?
Ye ajuiɛɛr ë piöc akutnhom de Optimise ëkë kuanycök kän ë ŋu?
The Optimise Study is a research project that aims to find out how Victorians are experiencing COVID-19 and responding to the measures introduced to stop the spread of the virus.
Ajuiɛɛr ë piööc akutnhom de Optimise ee ajuiɛɛr de kë kuanycök bï nyic të cï kɔc ke Victoria tuaany de COVID-19 ya yɔ̈k thïn në kë gup ku jɔl ya të cï kek kuɛr/ lööŋ yenë ke röt tiit ya luɔ̈ɔ̈I thïn bï tekpiny ë käm ye tuaany jɔɔk ë kɛm ke kɔc cɔk akääc.
See Study Findings/tïŋ kë cï yök në kënë ajuiɛɛr kuacchök yic
The Optimise Study will help us better understand how the community is managing and responding to COVID-19 and the measures introduced to stop its spread.
Ajuiɛɛr ë piööc akutnhom de Optimise abï ɣook kony ë dɛ̈ɛ̈t ëyic ëtë cï kɔc cieŋ baai tuaany de COVID-19 ya mac thïn ku dhuk kë nhom ku kuɛr ë gël cï kek bɛ̈ɛ̈I nhial bïnë ke tekpiny de cɔk akääc.
This information will enable us to make informed decisions to reduce the direct and indirect impacts of COVID-19 on people’s health, wellbeing, and livelihoods.
Lëk kän abï cɔk alooi tɛ̈k ëka cï lɛ̈k yiic apuɔth bï karɛc tuaany de COVID-19 kek ë kuer nyic ku kuer cie nyic ya tekiic në pialgup, rëër apuɔth ku pïïr ë kɔc yic.
What is involved?
Yeŋu ye looi thïn?
Participation involves completing surveys for up to 12-month period. These surveys ask about your living situation, work and study, lifestyle, social engagements, COVID-19 health and exposure, physical and mental health, attitudes and knowledge of COVID-19 measure, and the people you have contact with during the previous day.
Mɛt ë röt thïn ayenë thiɔ̈ɔ̈ŋ athiëëc ëkë yuïc bï nyic në pɛ̈ɛ̈u ke 12 yiic. Athiëc ë piöc ëkë yuïc bï nyic käk ee thiëc në biäk ë rëërdu yic, luɔi ku piöc ë thukulic, të pïïr yïn thïn, ciɛɛŋdu kekë kɔc, pialgup ku thiɔ̈k ëyic tënë tuaany de COVID-19, pial ë guɔ̈p abɛ̈n ku tënë tuaany ë tɛ̈ktɛ̈k yic, ye luɔ̈ɔ̈I kaku ku nyïny de kuɛr ë gël de tuaany ë COVID-19 ku kɔc cï ya rɔ̈m ke yïn në nïn cï wan yiic.
We ask these questions in two survey types:
Ɣok aye thiëc në athiëëc käk në kuat këŋ karou yuïc bï kek nyic:
- Baseline and follow-up surveys which we ask once a month.
- Ajuiɛɛr ë thiëc de kɛ̈ŋ abɛ̈n ku kɛ̈k ë bɔ̈thcök ëkë yuïc bï nyic yen yeku thiëc yicë tök ë pɛɛi.
- Contact diaries: Every day for the first two weeks of the study and once a week after that.
- Muk ë nhom de kë looi: Akölaköl ë läät tueŋ karou yiic de ajuiɛɛr ë piöc ëkë kuanycök yic ku yicë tök ë läät yen jɔl bööth
We will also ask you to nominate members of your social network to join the study. We know that that the people around you have an important influence on your behaviour, health and wellbeing. In the surveys we will ask you about your living situation, work and study, lifestyle, social engagements, COVID-19 health and exposure, physical and mental health, and attitudes and knowledge of COVID-19 measures.
Ɣok abï yïn thiëc aya ba kɔc ciëŋ keyïn kuany bï röt mat në piöc ëkë yuïc bï nyic. ɣok anyicku lɔn ye kɔc thiɔ̈k ke yïn naŋ këpuɔth yekë juak ë rëërdu yic, pialguɔ̈p ku pïïrdu yic . në athiëëc ë piöc ëkë yuïc bï nyic käk ee thiëc në biäk ë rëërdu yic, luɔi ku piöc ë thukulic, të pïïr yïn thïn, ciɛɛŋdu kekë kɔc, pialgup ku thiɔ̈k ëyic tënë tuaany de COVID-19, pial ë guɔ̈p abɛ̈n ku tënë tuaany ë tɛ̈ktɛ̈k yic, ye luɔ̈ɔ̈I kaku ku nyïny de kuɛr ë gël de tuaany ë COVID-19 ku nyïny de kuɛr ë gël de tuaany ë COVID-19.

What are the benefits?
Yekë kapuɔth ko kek tɔ̈ thïn?
By being a part of the Optimise Study, you will help inform government strategy to promote the health of the general public, and ease the current restrictions.
Në mɛt ë rɔt de ajuiɛɛr ë piöc ë kuanycök akutnhom de Optimise yic, yïn abï ajuiɛɛr akuma kony ë lëk bï pialgup de juääc abɛ̈n ɣäth tueŋ , ku tek gël ë cäth tɔ̈ ëmɛn yic.
You will receive a small reimbursement via bank transfer for each set of activities that you complete in recognition of the time involved in participating in Optimise. You will be reimbursed according to the following schedule:
Yïn abï ya gäm wëu dhuk ekë yïn thää dun cï lööm në kuer ë tooc në bɛŋ në kuat ëkë looi yen ca thöl keye nyïc ë thää ye nyaai në mɛt ë rɔt në akutnhom de Optimise. Yïn abï ya gäm wëu në kuer ajuiɛɛr böth känic:
- $50 in the first month following completion of the baseline survey;
- $50 në pɛɛi tueŋ yen buɔ̈th thöl ë athiëëc abɛ̈n ë piöc ëkë yuïc bï nyic;
- $35 in subsequent months where you actively participate in completing diaries/surveys.
- $35 në pɛ̈ɛ̈I kɔ̈k böth cï yïn ke rɔt mat në thiɔ̈ɔ̈ŋ de kë looi akölköl/ athiëëc ë piöc ëkë yuïc bï nyic.
Why is it important?
Yeŋu yen yic thiɛk?
Despite the huge impact of COVID-19 across the world, there is still limited information on the best ways to stop COVID-19 transmission, illness and death.
Na cï tuaany de COVID-19 naŋ këdït cï rac në pinydnhom abɛ̈n, yen aŋot ë nɔŋ lëk dakiic në kuɛr puɔth bïnë ke tekpiny , bëc ku thou tënë tuaany de COVID-19 cɔk akääc.
More information is needed about what is happening in the community to help the government develop better and more refined strategies and policies to respond to COVID-19. While we wait for vaccines to be widely rolled out globally, it is important we use interventions available to us to contain and slow the spread of COVID-19.
Lëk juɛ̈c akɔɔr kek në biäk ëkë looi rɔt në kɛm ë kɔc cieŋ baai bï akuma kony ë juiɛ̈ɛ̈c puɔth ku kuɛr lɔcök cï kek tïŋiic apuɔth ku ajuiɛɛr ë luɔi tënë tuaany de COVID-19. Ke ɣok tït në wɛl ë tuɔ̈m bï kek ɣäth aɣeer ë pinynhom abɛ̈n, yen athiekic bï ɣok kuɛr ë gël ë röt tɔ̈ kek ɣook ëmɛ̈n bïnë ke gël ë nyin thïn ku koor ë nyinpiny de tekpiny ë tuaany de COVID-19 kuɔr piny.
Your involvement in the Optimise Study will help us better understand the impact that COVID-19 is having on our community and how these may change over time. The Optimise platform will be used to both identify and solve challenges alongside the community and key stakeholders.
Mɛt ë rɔt du thïn në Ajuiɛɛr ë piööc akutnhom de Optimise yic abï ɣook kony ë dɛ̈t ëyic apuɔth de ka cï tuaany de COVID-19 rac ë pïïric tënɔŋ kɔc kuɛk cieŋ baai ku të lëu ë käk röt gɛɛr thïn ke thää lɔtueŋ. Akutnhom de Optimise abï luɔ̈ɔ̈I ka dhal kɔc cɔk anyic ku të bïnë ke luɔ̈ɔ̈I nhïïm thïn tënë kɔc cieŋ baai ku akutnhïïm luui thïn.
Your input will help generate the evidence to guide state and national policy and practice to stop COVID-19 transmission while returning to more normal levels of economic and social activity.
Këdun mat ë thïn abï kony ë nyooth de yic bï lon ajuiɛɛr de state ku baai abɛ̈n nyuɔ̈ɔ̈th ku piööc ëkë puɔth looi bïnë tekpiny de tuaany ë COVID-19 cɔk akääc ke kɔc dhuk të puɔɔth thɛɛr yen luui kayenë ke pïïr thïn ku kaye looi baai.
This evidence will also be used to identify opportunities to work with community and key stakeholders to develop and test solutions to minimise the impact of COVID-19 and improve the community’s broader health and wellbeing.
Kë nyooth yic kän abï luɔ̈ɔ̈I aya bïnë kapuɔth lëu kek ë yök nyic bïk luui kekë kɔc cieŋ baai ku kɔc kek luui thïn bïk juiir ku thëmkë kapuɔth cï yök bïnë ke karɛc tuaany de COVID-19 kek tekiic ku cökë pialgup ku pïïr de kɔc cieŋ baai piny.
Since March 2020, the Australian governments have introduced a number of key public health measures:
Jɔɔk në Kol 2020, Akumaa de kɔc Australia acï kuɛr juɛ̈c ë nyintïït de pailgup ë juääc tääu piny
Isolation of individuals with COVID-19 (‘cases’) and quarantining of close contacts and returned travellers; Wekroor ë kɔc cï bec në tuaany de COVID-19 (‘kɔc bec’) ku lël ë thök ë kɔc cï ya rɔ̈m ku amïcɔ̈ɔ̈th lɔ dhuuk ë bɛ̈ɛ̈I kɔ̈k;
Physical distancing;
Meec ë rötwei tënë kɔc kɔ̈k; -
Preventive strategies such as hand washing; and
Kuɛr ë gël cïtmɛn de caw ë cin; ku -
The mandatory use of face masks in various states.
Luup ë kɔc bï alanh ë kum ë nyïn ya cieŋ në states juɛ̈c yiic.
Although these measures have helped to reduce new cases of COVID-19 in the community, they may impact individuals’ health, wellbeing and livelihoods in critical ways.
Na cɔk ë kuɛr ë gël käk kony në tëk ë yic de bëc tënë tuaany de COVID-19 ë kɛm de kɔc cieŋ baai, kek alëu bïk naŋ kë geer kë yic tënë pialgup, pïïr ku rëër kɔc thïn në kuɛr puɔth juɛ̈c.